Wednesday, October 11, 2006

SP 9 Contest Info

I have to list my favs on here as a contest. Keep you fingers crossed!!!
Actor: Denzel Washington
Actress: Jennifer Garner
Animal: Panda
Band: Like classical music, and gospel music only (Donnie McKlurkin, Hezakiah Walker, Rizen}
Beverage: Diet Dr. Pepper
Book: Ooo hard one. Maybe The Firm by John Grisham, or the VC Andrews books (any of those would qualify as favs)
Bubble Bath: I like shower gels: pears/vanillas
Candy: All milk chocolates .....and hot tamales!!lol
Color: PURPLE!!!!
Flower: Orchids
Food: Turnip Greens!!
Lip Balm: Hmm using Lypsyl these days.
Lotion: Jergens
Movie: Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Song: God, Great God
TV Show: E.R./Alias/ Greys Anatony!!!!!
Vacation Spot: Hawaii (haven't been yet though!) LOL

So this was kinda hard because I never think of what my fav things are! LOL
Let me put it up so the hostess will know!

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